

自董事長夫人回港後, 我便有口福了, 上星期六晚一行十ニ人去了吃私房菜, 這家私房菜可以用二個字來形容......好得Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  1. 有勁入味黑椒芋頭豬扒, D汁撈飯一流
  2. 勁香但唔辣嘅喱雞
  3. 清蒸好有蟹味嘅花蟹
  4. 一D都唔咸嘅黄花咸魚干
  5. 好似身處向無鍚嘅無鍚排骨
  6. 無泥味蒜蓉蒸鯇魚(我很怕吃鯇魚, 因為覺得有泥味)
  7. 鮮嫩、鮮甜油菜
  8. 深井陳記燒鵝(沒有拍照)

係唔係流到一地都係口水呢? 但sorry,此私房菜不對外開放....因為此乃我大舅父屋企. 大舅父+大舅母倆位都是藝了得的人.....吃到很飽. 非常滿足, 跟住仲嘆咗珍藏陳皮普洱Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, 簡直係正正正正正 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

私房菜熱潮仍末减退, 星期日繼續, 今次開屠蟹大會, 殺咗十二隻七両嘅大閘蟹犯,全部處決, 一隻不留.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 仲有超好味嘅菜干咸豬骨粥, 仲有.....仲有......飽到唔記得.

我諗我之前瘦過十磅, 好快就gain 返!!!!
