Ritu - US AR manager
Jim - 我US老細, Vice presidnent of Finance
Paul - US Tax Director
HK office 係AP head quarters, set up HK office 是要min. tax, 但必須咐合某些條件, e.g invoices must be printed and mailed out from HK.
之前上SAP, 已經煩咗我半年, 剛剛好似好D, 但星期一收到以下的e-mails:
Ritu: We are moving the print job to SJ for now and it will eventually move to Penang once the AR Penang person is trained....
我: Just to be sure ………. Have we checked with tax and legal that it is fine not to print invoices in HK and not mailing out from HK ?
我HK 個老細: This is absolutely news to me as well. Please advise when it’s going to be effective – please also let me know the logistics
Ritu: Jim is aware of this. Paul, can you pl advise of any tax implications if we route the APDI and APOE invoice printing from Hkg to SJ?
Paul: AHK will continue to print and mail (if necessary) its invoices. These functions will not be moved to Malaysia. As a general rule, we want the trading companies to keep the functions that they are currently performing. Please let me know about any other potential changes.
Jim: Agree with Paul. So – what does it take to print/mail invoices and credit memos in HK – in a similar fashion.....
Jim + Ritu究竟有帶個腦返工????知唔知自己做緊セ?????一時又咁, 一時又改.....
一個白痴加一個低能. Perfect match. 仲要醜 + 瘀到爆.